СИИИЛЬНО, сильно любит Брэдли *___________*

BRADLEY: One of the issues is perhaps having Guinevere kinda sataround for another series, potentially not doing anything. If, youknow, she hasn’t got the love interest there. <==== Ха,ХА!

BRADLEY: The two pairings I suppose that are destined to end up together in a..you know in a different way. Lancelot and Guinevere. And Arthur and God forbid...Merlin.

BRADLEY: Arthur tends to use brute force and ignorance to getwhat he wants. His privileged upbringing has an effect on hispersonality. When you grow up with people deferring to you it has animpact on the way you behave. But Merlin is a catalyst for a change in his behavior. <==== Мерлин, а не Гвен *evil laugh*

BRADLEY: When it comes down to it, they’re actually there for each other. Despite all the jokes. They’re willing to sort of put their neck on the line.

Чудесные люди с ЖЖ, сделали так сказать цитатник Брэдли и Колина, о Мерлине и Артуре и о них самих, так же там еще есть цитаты остального каста все по той же теме

часть первая, часть вторая