Оффициальный синопсис к 2.10
спойлеры«Dignitaries from rival kingdoms descend on Camelot for peace talks, but what King Alined really wants is war, as the magical family drama continues. He'll do everything in his power to stir up hostilities, even if it means using magic.
Alined's jester, Trickler, puts a spell on Arthur to make him fall madly in love with rival King Olaf's beloved daughter, Vivian. Chaos reigns in the palace and Camelot is once more poised on the brink of war. Can Merlin free Arthur's heart before the prince loses his head in battle?
David Schofield is Alined; Kevin Eldon is Trickler; Mark Lewis Jones is King Olaf; Bradley James is Arthur; Georgia Moffett is Vivian; and Colin Morgan is Merlin. »
Ну вот как всегда, видимо сердце Артура можно заполучить только околдовав его А расколдовывать как всегда должен Мерлин Вот почему я не удивляюсь?
P.S. А влюблен он будет в Докторовскую дочку